
Animamente’s in-house spa provides a variety of massage and reflexology services to help you prepare for another fantastic day in paradise. Their healing center is dedicated to restoring the human body by reconnecting it with the energy of the spirit and the universe.

Marco, the owner, and manager of this beautiful little venue is a trained master in Ayurvedic medicine and massage; he will attend to you with his precious healing energy, assisting you to erase ancient memories, trauma, or stuck energy with the bioenergetic massage. This type of massage is only provided by him and was designed by him. It is a massage technique that combines Ayurvedic philosophy with Hawaiian lomi massage. Animamente is currently only available via appointment.

In addition to regular massage services provided by their trained therapists, they are well-known for their unique Mayan Healing treatments, which combine traditional traditions with more modern massage techniques providing an accurate one-of-a-kind, once-in-a-lifetime Tulum experience. Whatever treatment you pick, you will leave feeling rested and revitalized.

Animamente Spa Experience

If you are visiting Tulum, it is highly advised that you try the Bio-energetic Therapeutic Massage, which was created to treat the body.

This massage is founded on the concept of Ayurveda, and its principal purpose is not only to cure symptoms but also to heal any illness, mental or physical reasons. This particular massage stimulates pressure through fingers, palms, puffs, etc., by certain points or node locations in various body sections. A bioenergy massage from Animamente manipulates and stimulates muscles, tissues, blood circulation, bones, and tendons and works with the subtle energy of the body, where all diseases begin.

Benefits of bio-energy session with Animamente Spa

  • Removal of chronic stress accumulated
  • Helps restore proper operation of the brain and nerve system, helps remove depression and weeping content.
  • Eliminates stagnating and diseasing emotional energy.
  • It restores the individual’s physical, mental and emotional balance.
  • Specified release of anxiety, stress, and anger.

Why do people accumulate tension on these points?

We may have stored various types of anger, complaints, annoyances, disappointments, worries, doubts, and so on since infancy. Emotions that are not spoken and understood cause tension to build up in various body places, known as Marma (or nodal points).

The marmas are pressure sites on the body. 107 key places are associated with unions or meeting points of the five organic principles: bones, ligaments, arteries, muscles, and joints. Without a doubt, this is a unique sport and form of massage. Your bioenergetic Animamente therapist is a true professional with many years of expertise in the healing arts.

What Makes This Experience Unique

  • A bio-energy session with a true expert in paradise.
  • Based on Ayurvedic medical philosophy, their main goal is to treat the core cause of any ailment in the body rather than only the symptoms.
  • Removes chronic tension, depression, crying content, and a variety of other problems.

Reserve Your Spot Today!

There are so many excellent health and relaxation therapies to partake in here in Tulum. Simply go to their website and make your reservations today!