Cenote Cristalino

Cenote Cristalino is located close to Tulum and Playa Del Carmen in the Yucatan Peninsula, known for its crystal-clear water and natural beauty. This cenote is not too far away from other popular tourist locations such as the Cenote Azul and the Cenote Jardin del Eden. Thanks to its calm and scenic atmosphere, it has become a popular spot for swimming enthusiasts.

Swimming in Cenote Cristalino 

The Yucatan Peninsula is famous for boasting several breathtaking cenotes. The cenote Cristalino is not too far away from other famous cenotes of the peninsula. Still, its peace can confer upon you a feeling of privacy unlike any other.

This cenote is relatively quiet and cheap during the weekdays. The open cenote containing crystal-clear water comes off as a natural swimming pool. Certain areas of the cenote are hidden beneath cave-like formations. You can jump off cliffs into the water and indulge in a refreshing swim. You can also sit beside the water and treat your eyes to the beautiful fishes, lush greens, and more.

The water is quite cold, which is why it attracts so many visitors looking forward to cooling off during the summer. The average depth is 4 meters, but it can go as deep as 6 meters. However, it is not a suitable depth for diving enthusiasts. The cenote is perfect for snorkelling as well. However, the crystal-clear water ensures that even swimmers can spot the fish without any hassle.

How Can Travellers Get to Cenote Cristalino from Tulum? 

This beautiful cenote is located close to Cenote Azul, Cenote Kantun Chi, and Cenote Jardin del Eden. Thus, there are multiple travelling options available at your disposal.

The Colectivo van is undoubtedly one of the most cost-effective ways to get to the location. You get to share the van with other locals, which ensures an enlightening experience. You can also get to the area via taxi. However, the latter may not be as cost-effective as travelling via a Colectivo van.

If your heart seeks a road adventure, you can also rent a car and drive down to the Cenote Cristalino by yourself. One significant advantage of travelling in a car by yourself is that you can stop for seeing and exploring the beautiful surroundings en route to the location.

Things to Know 

If you wish to have a great, hassle-free time at the location, it is recommended that you keep the following tips in your mind:

  • The entrance fee for the tourist spot is only 150 pesos which is a little less than 8 USD. This fee is cheaper than most entrance fees for nearby cenotes.
  • It is recommended to pack some swimwear to ensure a great trip.
  • Visitors are recommended against applying sunscreen before going swimming in a cenote as it may harm the creatures. If you wish to use sunscreen, use one that is biodegradable.
  • You should bring along snorkeling gear to see what lies beneath the surface.
  • You should bring along water shoes for a top-notch experience. However, you won’t face as much trouble without them at cenote Cristalino since it is an open one.
  • The weather can get hot and humid, which is why you should bring along water bottles.