Cenote Angelita

Cenote Angelita, located in the Riviera Maya region of Mexico, is the best place to visit. This location is roughly 10 to 15 minutes south of Tulum, and its name translates to “little angel.” It would be best if you go through a lush forest environment to reach there.

Cenote Angelita looks like a forest pond with a diameter of 25 meters. The color green may be found everywhere. Angelita’s water is greenish, unlike that of other cenotes. Furthermore, brown leaves and pollen frequently coat the water’s surface. So, even before you enter the water, you realize that this dive is unlike any other.

Cenote Angelita has a distinguishing characteristic that sets it apart from the others in the area. At 27 meters, the renowned cloud. There’s nothing like the halocline you’ll see at other dive sites. A thick layer of hydrogen sulfate, which appears like cotton from above and has a distinct color hue from below, separates these two layers of water.

Swimming in Cenote Angelita

Divers can dive in the “clouds” at 30m/100ft and view upside-down trees at Cenote Angelita, also known as Little Angel. Freshwater fills the first half of the cenote until it reaches 30 meters/100 feet, while saltwater fills the remaining half. A small layer of hydrogen sulfate, roughly 4m/10ft thick, separates the two sections, which has no visibility but provides a distinctive mirror image. The water is clear again under the layer, which appears as a dense cloud from above. However, divers are recommended to bring excellent scuba diving lights because the cenote becomes extremely dark once divers pass through the hydrogen sulfate layer.

The flooded Angelita cave has a unique quality: it appears that a second river runs towards the bottom of the water-filled pit, in addition to the natural beauty of its lush forest surroundings. The chemistry of the water causes this illusion. The salinity of the water in the caves varies, causing the denser water to drop to the bottom and appear as its hazy underwater river.

How to Get to Cenote Angelita?

On the route to Chetumal, 17 kilometers south of Tulum, sits the cenote. It’s pretty plainly marked. After arriving, a short stroll through the forest will lead you to the sinkhole, which resembles a beautiful small lake surrounded by trees. The route runs straight to it, and the steps and a platform now allow convenient access.

To enjoy the complete Cenote Angelita diving experience, you must be an expert diver. It offers something very distinct compared to the many other intriguing cenotes on the Yucatan peninsula, and it is extremely deep. The thick hydrogen sulfate cloud that separates the freshwater above and the saltwater below produces a one-of-a-kind effect that must be seen to be believed.

They’ll outfit you with everything you’ll need for this dive, including full diving gear, a 5mm wetsuit, a flashlight, and a Go-Pro camera.

Certification: Advanced open water certification is required.

Things You Should Know:

Here’s all you need to know about Cenote Angelita before you go.

  • Dive time: 35 to 40 minutes
  • Depth: 120 feet
  • Temperature: 78 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Certification: Advanced open water or show proof that you have done deep dives or 2 star
  • Tanks: 1
  • Bathrooms: Yes, ecological
  • Parking: Yes
  • Entrance fee: Yes
  • Snorkeling: Yes, but not much to see

Visit Cenote Angelita Today! Make a Reservation Now!

Go and experience the most amazing scuba diving of your life. Angelita is one of Tulum’s most beautiful cenotes, with a variety of fascinating sights to view. All you need is a certificate that says you can swim in open water. This scuba diving adventure will stay with you forever. It’s not only safe and enjoyable, but you’ll only be diving in small groups of four with each guide. And once you see it in person, you will be completely captivated by its awe-inspiring beauty and deep blue water. Visit their official website for additional details.